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Noel Smith

Noel began his working life in the elevator industry at EPL (now Kone) and over a period of two decades developed the skills that enabled him to join SafeWork NSW in 1988 as a Lift Inspector. For the next 15 years Noel immersed himself in the technical aspects of all forms of vertical transportation, and was nominated to technical positions with Standards Australia and the Australian Elevator Association.

When SafeWork NSW disbanded the Lift Section, Noel was contracted to a major elevator company as their National Risk Manager.

Following a successful completion of the contract Noel was a key figure in creating Pitfield & Associates in Australia.

His skills have been finely honed to deal with all the core issues surrounding vertical transport and as a result he has become a specialist consultant. Codes (National and International), WH&S Issues; Hazard and Risk Audits and advice to legal counsel are all part of his ever expanding portfolio.

Noel has delivered papers at International seminars and is sought after by his peers for technical advice on Codes.

Director Australian Operations, Code Specialist, Senior Consultant

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